The walking method to shut the hernia

There’s never been an animal strong enough to have the luxury of being able to walk with its heels first when it walks. Neither ants or T-rexes have had that luxury either. What makes you think that humans are the only animals capable of doing this?

The graceful step
What do animals have in common when moving around? Whether they have 2, 4 or 8 legs and whether they weigh 100 grams or 2 tons? Grace.
Feet were designed to be in contact with the earth and this contact has to guarantee that the body floats on the ground in the same way a bird moves, with the same type of simplicity that the birds have when they walk.
An ostrich, a rooster, a flamingo: we can observe how they get about with infinite grace and learn that moving in this way is not only pleasant and graceful, but it’s simply wonderful. 

The method
We are talking about modifying an incorrect behavior that human beings started 400 about 400 years ago, reaching its maximum stupidity over the last 50 years.
When you walk, you first place your heel down and then the rest of the foot.
We are so convinced that this way of walking is the correct way that the mere idea of doing it differently makes us confused.

A way of living
The right way of living would be to walk without placing your heels on the ground, but you will have to learn how to correct your way of walking gradually as it will be difficult and since we’ve been walking incorrectly since we were three years old.

You will have to learn how to do three things differently:
Stand up
Everything without putting your heels on the ground. You will need 30 days to achieve a whole day off your heels. Lower back pain will come in after the first week even if you manage to stay on your tip toes for two hours a day.
Let’s look at how we can be in as a little pain as possible while we go through the process.

The third month
We can assume that during the first month you were able to stand all day on your tip toes and that during the second month you were trying to get used to moving around.
At this point, you’ve already understood that living this way is a wonderful way to live and now that you’ve gotten used to moving around a bit, other people will not have even noticed that you’ve stopped placing your heels on the ground.
Your lower back pain has practically disappeared from your body. I would like to underline why I’ve used the word “disappeared”: because it means much more than to be healed.
I use the word “disappeared” because after 3 months of living without putting your heels on the ground, not only have you sent your lower back pain away but you’ve also removed the way to make it come back.
Modifying the way you place your feet on the ground modifies your posture. It’s not about a choice but it’s about a mandatory consequence to the way you place your feet down. Even if you want to have poor posture, you couldn’t because “you would fall.”
Your lower back pain has gone away as well as many other problems connected to it such as digestive, stomach, circulatory, physical, sleep and articulation problems.
At this point, we’ve more than reached our goal in the book, so you can just stop here because you’ve already fixed your problem, but you can also go on reading to learn about other things you can do.

Being on your tip toes encourages blood circulation throughout the whole body and this supplies oxygen to the blood, eliminates toxins at the cellular level and helps maintain optimal temperatures in the legs, feet and throughout the rest of the body.
The heart receives power and energy each time the calf muscles are used and this is what eliminates sleepiness.
This is the area of the foot made for contact with the ground.
Up to now, this detail has been hidden by the media and by television. It’s very easy for industries to fill up clinics and hospitals with people who are ill or who have physical problems that they will never fix.
In any case, this time is in the past and numerous people today are already aware of this particular detail of the human body.
Here is an outline showing the correct way of how to put your feet down when you run.

The Pan workout
This workout is very useful for the last phase of when a hernia closes. A hernia does not usually close completely after 3 months. There’s usually a sort of swelling of about 3 millimeters high that can either swell up or down depending on the pressure coming from the intestines (if they are full or empty). If you have this swelling left, this workout will eliminate the hernia completely.
This workout is not only effective for hernias specifically, but it also provides benefits on a physical level. I will talk about them after a description of the exercise.
The Pan workout – the exercise
This is an exercise that completes the work that your body naturally does when you walk without using your heels while moving and transferring.
Standing on the tips of your toes, straighten out your knees completely. When doing it, you will notice that two things happen: first, your shoulders will go back naturally and your abdomen will push forward slightly.
While maintaining the tension, start doing the exercise: squeeze and release the gluteus muscles.
1 – squeeze and hold the tension for 5 seconds
2 – squeeze and release in movements of 1 to 2 seconds (6 times is enough).
Doing this exercise 3 times a day, combined with the correct way of using your heels, will modify your posture and sexual function. This exercise was given this name by its users thanks to the benefits that it brings on a sexual level.  

Sexual function (in men)
Neither energy or sexual power are created, nothing new is created. The muscles that control sexual function are modified becoming more effective when your pelvis posture is corrected.
You will immediately notice more reaction to the stimuli immediately (powerful erections) but they are connected directly to the stimuli. What does this mean? It means that your sexual reaction is activated when we have a female in front of us, when we are turned on and not in other moments.

This website is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


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    1. You've got to change the way of walking and to do it you've got to make breathing exercises. Burning and iperventilazione. You can find everything in the book and in the videos.

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